International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art essential requirement for anyone who needs to keep up to date with new developments of music concepts throughout the world.


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IJMSTA - Vol. 5 - Issue 1 - January 2023
ISSN 2612-2146
Pages: 7

Observations on Guitar Music Produced by AI Reverberation and Professional Sound Engineers

Authors: Manni CHEN, Per Magnus LINDBORG
Categories: Journal

Abstract - Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been applied in music production to create various sound effects, including reverberation. However, observation on such applications has not yet been fully explored in research studies. This paper reports results from a study comparing reverberation processing on six recordings of guitars, with musical phrasing, made by an AI software and two professional sound engineers. Audio features were extracted using the MIR Toolbox, and perceptual ratings on semantic scales were collected in two listening tests (N = 10, N = 33). Logistic regression was carried out on the two datasets in parallel. An increase in perceived Wetness or decrease in perceived Clarity was associated with a higher probability that the reverberation was made by the AI rather than a Human. For extracted audio features, lower Brightness, Rolloff, and Centroid, which are all indicators for a darker, low frequency emphasized sound, were more likely made by the AI. This study contributes to an understanding of the differences between AI- and human-generated audio effects used in music production.

Keywords: Reverberation, Listening test, Music perception

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CHEN, M., LINDBORG, P.r. (2023). Observations on Guitar Music Produced by AI Reverberation and Professional Sound Engineers. IJMSTA. 2023 January 01; 5 (1): 1-7.

