International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art essential requirement for anyone who needs to keep up to date with new developments of music concepts throughout the world.


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IJMSTA - Vol. 2 - Issue 2 - July 2020
ISSN 2612-2146
Pages: 7

Artificial Neural Networks versus Case-Based Reasoning for Intelligent Secondary Melody Music Generation

Authors: Nermin Naguib J. Siphocly, El-Sayed M. El-Horbaty, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
Categories: Journal

Abstract - Secondary melody music is a type of accompanying music that is in perfect harmony with the main melody. The objective of this paper is to automate the process of sec-ondary melody generation. We develop two versions of secondary melody genera-tors; the first applies artificial neural networks while the second applies case-based reasoning. We perform our experiments on a data set of 120 musical melodies ac-companied by their corresponding secondary melodies. Our results show that case-based reasoning secondary melody generator outperformed the artificial neural net-works generator by a success percentage of 50%.

Keywords: Case-based reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, Computer music

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Nermin Naguib J. Siphocly, El-Sayed M. El-Horbaty, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem (2020). Artificial Neural Networks versus Case-Based Reasoning for Intelligent Secondary Melody Music Generation. IJMSTA. 2020 Aug 18; 2 (2): 8-14.
